Tuesday, October 23, 2007


SR201 Today: We discussed the phenomena of sports as entertainment and having the ability to transcend society. We listed sports events/figures in history that have left an impact on the sports world as well as society. Our list included:
-Lance Armstrong
-Muhammad Ali
-Jesse Owens
-Tiger Woods
-1980 US Olympic Team
-1999 Women's World Cup Team
We also discussed the unique characteristics/qualities of sport that motivates us to consume sport as a form of entertainment. Our list included:
-Unknown Outcome
-Group Affiliation
-Family Tradition

Homework: Quiz based on today's discussion as well as Chapters 8 & 9. Please read & be ready to discuss Chapters 8 & 9 from the textbook. There is no Into The Wild reading for this week.

Study Guide (Please check WebCT to download PowerPoint notes from today and for our discussion on Thursday, Uniqueness of Sport PowerPoint & Chapters 8, 9 PowerPoint):

-What are the 8 basic motives for why people consume sports?
-What is BIRGing & CORFing?
-What are the 4 components to the Fan Psychology Continuum?
-What is Eustress & Distress?
-Be able to explain Selye's Stress Definition & General Adaptation Syndrome.
-What are the 3 stages to GAS?
-Selye says all activities go through 3 stages when responding to stress. What are they?
-What are the psychological, physiological, and social & interpersonal benefits of humor and laughter?
SR368 Today: We used a small group activity to discuss Chapter 8: Retail Management. Our discussion focused on these components of concession and alcohol management:
-What must concession managers understand?
-What are common concession shortcomings?
-What are common components of concession stands?
-What is the "Buying Fever Checklist?"
In addition, we supplemented our discussion by looking at the following articles:
Attention To Detail
Give 'Em What They Want
Stadium Alcohol Management

Homework: Quiz on Chapter 8. We will finish our discussion on Alcohol Management & Alcohol Sales Strategies, and move into Merchandise Management.

Study Guide:
-What are the major (7) concessionaires in the food service industry?
-What must managers understand about concession operations?
-What are major concession shortcomings?
-In 2003 what company had the beverage contract for the New England Patriots?
-What are the key points of the NAC's "Buying Fever Check List?"
-Explain Bearman v. University of Notre Dame.
-Explain dram shop statutes & social host liability.
-What are components of an effective alcohol sales strategy?
-What is B-U-Y W-I-S-E-L-Y?
-What are the 4 M's in retail?
-What are the 3 main keys to effective store layout?

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