Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Happy Halloween!

Today: We began class talking about spring class registration. You need to come see me next week for advising. My office is on the 5th floor of the Library Building. I will have registration forms and a course catalog. I am available on Wed/Fri from 10-3 and Tues/Thurs from 11-3. We then discussed the problem solving process as well as vertical & horizontal thinking. To go along with this discussion we looked at various types of problems that implements each type of thinking in order to come up with a solution.

Homework: 3 Cups of Tea Question #3 is due. You should also have an answer for your group's problem discussion today.

1) How could a baby fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live?
2) Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer. They don't know what he looks like but they know his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on a carpenter, a taxi driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they immediately arrest the fireman. How do they know they've got their man?

Five college seniors---John, Oscar, Earl, Ernie, and Marvin---rent an off-campus house. Each one is majoring in a different subject---psychology, chemistry, biology, math, or physics. They are attending college on sports scholarships in five sports: football, baseball, track, tennis, and swimming. And each is taking a different foreign language: French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Russian. From the clues given, try to determine the language, the sport, and the major of each of the five students.
1. The biology major, the swimmer, the student taking Italian, and Marvin have never missed any of Ernie's home football games.
2. Neither Oscar nor Earl is the one who takes Spanish or the one who is a physics major, but one of them is a baseball player.
3. Marvin and the track star had lunch with the math major and later met Oscar after his German class.
4. The baseball Player, the math major, and Oscar all have rooms on the top floor, whereas John and the physics major have rooms on the ground floor.
5. The psychology major is taking German.
6. The biology major is not the track star and does not take Russian.

Today: Quality discussion today. You demonstrated that as a group you have a good geography knowledge of America as well as the world. We discussed how there are 2 main driving forces contributing to the flattening of the world. They are technology & education. We then had small group discussions based on the following points of discussion:
1) The 3 Eras of Globalization
2) Outsourcing
3) Call Centers
4) Effects of the above on you as a potential employee

Quiz based on Chapter 1 and first 3 flatteners discussed in Chapter 2.
Read & be ready to discuss the first 3 flatteners from Chapter 2.

Study Guide:
  • 3 Great Eras of Globalization
-What is the time frame of each?
-What was the key agent of change of each?
-What were the big questions associated with each era?

  • Outsourcing
-How/Why is it contributing to the flattening of the world?
-Who are "Nighthawks?"

  • Call Centers
-How/Why are they contributing to the flattening of the world?
-Explain the McDonalds story.

  • First 3 Flatteners
-Work Flow Software

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